Candidate Matching Services Information

MassHire Central Career Centers are happy to offer Candidate Matching Services. Our goal is that this additional service will help expedite your pre-screening process by providing you with qualified candidate matches in a timely manner.

In order for your open job position to qualify for Candidate Matching Services, you must complete the Candidate Matching Services Request Form in its entirety, as it will give us all the pertinent information to assist you in finding qualified candidates for your job openings.

PLEASE NOTE: Qualifying positions must meet the following eligibility criteria to generate Candidate Matching Services:

The position(s) must be full-time, direct-hire employment opportunities that must NOT be contract or commission based, union related, jobs outsourced to staffing agencies, temporary, or seasonal jobs.

You agree to provide information and feedback about this service and candidates that we match to your position(s).

You understand that MassHire reserves the right to decline this service based on unique job requirements, and will offer other solutions to address your needs, when applicable.

By completing the Candidate Matching Services Request Form, your job posting will also be uploaded onto our MassHire job search engine, JobQuest.

NOTE: At this time, we are NOT able to provide services for companies and/or jobs related to the cannabis industry due to federal regulations.