December 2023
HIRE Vets Medallion Program
The HIRE Vets Medallion Program is administered by the Federal government Department of Labor’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) and promoted by the local Career Center Veteran Representatives. It recognizes employers for their efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation’s veterans by presenting them with a HIRE Vets Medallion Award, the only veterans hiring award at the federal level. Its criteria allow for the highest level of recognition for employers who are committed to veteran careers, including recruiting, employment, and retention. These employers set an example for other employers of the importance of prioritizing and encouraging successful veteran hiring and retention. The award signals to veterans that an employer is committed to and supports our nation’s heroes.
The Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Act of 2017 published the Final Rule, which codifies the requirements of the Act, including criteria for large employer awards, and develops criteria for granting awards to small and medium employers. It lays out the process, timelines, and procedures for employers to apply for the award, and explains how the Department will review applications, verify the information provided, and determine and notify award recipients.
The 2018 HIRE Vets Medallion Program Demonstration allowed the Department of Labor’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) to initially run applications, raise awareness of the HIRE Vets Medallion Program, and enabled 239 employers to garner recognition. Note that applicants are required to pay a fee to cover administrative costs that are deposited in a US Treasury account from which VETS will, subject to appropriations, fund the program. The fee for large employers is $495 per applicant, the fee for medium employers is $190 per applicant, and the fee for small employers is $90 per applicant. HIRE Vets Medallion Awards are awarded by employer size: large employer awards for employers with 500 or more employees, medium employer awards for employers with more than 50 but fewer than 500 employees, and small employer awards for employers with 50 or fewer employees.
Within each of the three employer categories, there are two levels of awards: platinum and gold. Please review the Program Criteria table at this link HIRE-Vets-Criteria-Table.pdf (hirevets.gov) to determine which award your employer is eligible for. The table illustrates what the requirements are for each award level for your company’s employer size.
The HIRE Vets Medallion Award was earned by 429 employers in the 2019 cycle, 675 in the 2020 cycle, 849 in the 2021 cycle, and 835 in the 2022 cycle. To view the 2023 awardees, click here.
Applications open every January and close in April at www.hirevets.gov. Applicants will complete the application form, provide chief executive officer or chief human resources officer attestation, and submit it electronically. For more details or questions, please send email to: hirevets@dol.gov or contact the Program Office at 202-693-4745 or contact your Career Center Business Services Representative.