MassHire Central Career Centers
Thank you so much for your interest in registering for a MassHire Central Career Centers Virtual Job Fair.
HOW IT WORKS: MassHire Virtual Job Fairs take place on the Premier Virtual platform. Job seekers visit the Premier Virtual platform during the scheduled virtual job fair event date and time. Job seekers will be able to create a profile before the event and upload their resumes to their profiles. During the event, job seekers will view an employer’s “virtual booth” that will contain the company logo, a brief company description and a listing of open positions and job descriptions. Interested job seekers will be able to view the employer’s information and openings, and if they choose, can share their information with the employer by submitting their resume. Job seekers and employers will be able to live chat through instant messaging and video conference if chosen, and employers will be able to review registered job seeker’s profiles and resumes during and prior to the event.
The expectation is that employers will directly respond to job seekers as they receive job seeker resume submissions and instant messages during a Virtual Job Fair. Employers may also utilize the virtual interview conferencing option to conduct live interviews via webcam with candidates. Employers may also enjoy new features to the platform such as viewing job seekers’ profile prior to the event, and using the Interview Scheduler feature, allowing you to schedule interviews with prospective candidates for a later time. Employers choose how they follow up with job seekers, but they should respond to the job seekers to continue the application process or decline the job seekers from consideration of a position. You must agree to connect with job seekers during the Virtual Job Fair to either continue the application process or reject their inquiry to apply to your company.
Please complete the following registration form in its entirety to secure your spot on the Premier Virtual platform.
The information that you provide should be the same information that will be included on Premier Virtual platform during the Virtual Job Fair.
Once we receive your request, we will send you a unique link to upload your company on the Premier Virtual platform for the Virtual Job Fair event.
Thank you, and we wish you the best of luck in your recruitment efforts.
-The Business Engagement Solutions Team
In order to complete your registration, you will need to follow the link to the event Registration Page and then hit the blue “Register” button at the bottom left of the screen. If you have not participated in a Premier Virtual event before, you will need to create an account, upload your company logo, upload your job postings, and create your virtual booth. You may also add recruiters from your company participate in the event by creating profiles for them. The entire process to create your booth should take about 15 minutes or less.
Participation in the event is subject to the approval of the Business Engagement Solutions Team and MassHire Central Career Centers. You will receive an email with a confirmation when your registration have been approved or denied.