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Employer Success Story
Teresiah Njoki
Employers and Community Partners
Please fill out the form below to submit your success story.
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Company Name
Staff Name
If you have already written a success story, please upload it here and inspire others.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Background: What challenges was your company facing?
Connection: How did MassHire bridge the gap or support your company?
Career Center's Role: Which event or activity at MassHire proved to be most beneficial to you? Which staff members did you work with??
Impact: What additional help did you receive from the MassHire Central Center and what impact did it make?
Follow Up: How is your company doing now? Please include specific success stories such as employee referrals or employee retention and growth.
Quote: Is there anything else you would like to share?
If client success stories are included, please upload the jobseekers or other applicable media release form.
Click or drag files to this area to upload.
You can upload up to 5 files.
Upload applicable photo(s) (optional)
Click or drag files to this area to upload.
You can upload up to 5 files.
I hereby give consent to MassHire Central Career Centers (MCCC)and all Agents or employees of the organization
This gives them the right to make any recordings of me in the form of photographs, video, written story or audio recordings. The recordings can be used presently and in the future with no purpose or time limitation. I further give consent for my identity to be released in association with any recordings made of me. I release the right to exhibit the recordings to all agents and employees of the MassHire Central Career Centers (MCCC) for private or public use, including but not limited to social media platforms. I understand there will be no current or future compensation made to me for use of the material now or in the future. I have read and understood the content of this form.
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