MassHire Referral Form for Refugees and Immigrants

Seeking Employment or Training

Please complete the form below to the best of your ability. This information will be used to help MassHire staff share your information with employers who may have job opportunities that you are qualified for, and that may be of interest to you, or to help you in your search for training that will lead you to a particular career path and job opportunities. By submitting this form, you give us your permission to share your information with employers and/or training providers in the area. A MassHire counselor will be in touch with you to offer support and inform you of which employers or training providers your information will be shared with. We hope that this effort brings you one step closer to gainful employment.

Best of luck.

Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.
Please provide as much detail as possible.
Please provide as much detail as possible.
If so, please explain with as much detail as possible. If not, simply input "N/A" or "none".
Please provide as much detail as possible.
If so, please explain with as much detail as possible. If not, simply input "N/A" or "none".
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please only upload Word Document formats unless PDF format is all that is available. A WordDoc format will be requested to provide suggestions for edits that can be made in a more timely and convenient manner.