You Have the Right to File a Complaint
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) applicants and participants have the right to file a complaint or grievance to resolve WIOA related disputes that involve:
- Services you received at a MassHire Career Center
- A job MassHire referred you to
- The Trade Adjustment Assistance Program
- Agricultural employment
- Dept. of Career Services – referred training programs
- You believe you have experienced discrimination
- Other employment-related complaints
How to file a complaint or grievance
Each MassHire Career Center (MCC) has a designated Complaint/EO and/or backup officers to receive and accept complaints during normal business hours. You may file a complaint or grievance at the local MassHire Career Center or with the State Complaint Officer.
Worcester Complaint Officer
Sonia Watkins
Southbridge Complaint Officer
Deborah Baillargeon
508.765.6430 ext. 55305
State Complaint Officer
MassHire Department of Career Services
19 Staniford St, 1st Floor
Boston, MA 02114
Attn. State Complaint Officer