The workforce has changed since you entered it. Many of the jobs that exist today were not even created when you graduated from high school, and the pace of change is faster than ever! However, since work skills are transferable to many jobs, by helping your child connect what they learn in the classroom to real jobs that interest them, they will graduate better equipped for life after high school.


Connecting Activities

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s “Connecting Activities” initiative is an in-school program that is designed for in-school youth that allows students to experience the world of work through internships. The program helps youth see the relationship between what they are learning in school and their career aspirations.


Worcester Region

Connecting Activities Coordinator: Stephanie Stockwell | Phone: (508)751-7663

Worcester Public Schools

  1. Burncoat High School
  2. Claremont Learning Laboratory School
  3. Doherty Memorial High School
  4. Gerald Creamer Center
  5. North High School
  6. South High Community School
  7. Worcester Alternative School
  8. Worcester Technical High School
  9. University Park Campus
  10. Alternative School

Blackstone Valley Region

Connecting Activities Coordinator: Erika Baum | Phone: (508)234-9090 ext 101

  1. Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School
  2. Blackstone Millville Regional High School
  3. Douglas High School
  4. Grafton High School
  5. Hopedale High School
  6. Milford High School
  7. Millbury High School
  8. Nipmuc Regional High School
  9. Northbridge High School
  10. Sutton High School
  11. Uxbridge High School

Youth Resources

Didn’t find your answer? We have compiled a list of helpful external resources that may contain the answer to your question.

Didn’t Find Your Answer?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you find the answers to your questions!