Preparing to Attend a Job Fair


This page is designed to help you prepare for upcoming job fairs where you will meet employers and apply for jobs. The videos and information below provide fundamental knowledge needed when it comes to providing a resume, taking an interview, etc. for an employer interested in hiring you.

Step 1: Writing Your Resume

A resume is a document job applicants use to summarize their work experience, educational background, and special skills. A resume is typically requested by employers when applying for a job. Watch the provided video to learn about how to write a resume.

Step 2: Preparing for the Interview

A job interview is a conversation in which a potential employer learns about a job applicant to determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for the job. Watch the video on interview preparation to learn more about interview techniques and tips.

Step 3: Job Fair Preparation

A job fair is an event in which employers, recruiters, and schools give information to potential employees who are attending the job fair to find a job that they are interested in. A job fair gives employers and job seekers an opportunity to meet in person so that employers can advertise their jobs and job seekers can market their skills. Watch this video to learn more about job fairs, what you can do to prepare for them, and what to expect when attending.


  • Be polite, friendly and professional, as well as confident in yourself while also maintaining appreciation of the employer’s time and attention.
  • Dress professionally as if you are going to an interview.
  • Bring lots of copies of your resume!
  • Keep conversations light and focused on the employment opportunities, your interest in work, your experiences and skills.
  • Whether you are a young or seasoned professional, meeting new people in a large gathering can sometimes feel overwhelming or can cause stress and anxiety. This is normal, so it’s good to be feeling well, be in a good frame of mind to be meeting new people, and to have some techniques ready to help you manage any stress or anxiety you may be feeling. Preparing and rehearsing questions that you may ask, or that employers may ask you, are good ways to prepare. Envisioning the conversations you may have with employers beforehand, as well as practicing them with your friends or family in a role-play scenario may help you prepare for the real thing, making you feel more confident and less anxious.
  • And remember, have some fun, too. This may be the first time you are looking for a job, but it probably won’t be your last. Take it easy, and enjoy the journey.

Step 4: How MassHire can help you with your Job Search

As a federally and state-funded Massachusetts One-Stop Career Center, we provide employment services for both job seekers and employers. We are located in downtown Worcester and Southbridge, serving job seekers in person and virtually. With our team of career counselors, we are able to support job seekers in their pursuit of employment by helping them identify potential career opportunities and creating a strategy to secure their next job. Our counselors can help job seekers in writing resumes, preparing for interviews, connecting to employers, and more. If you would like to become a MassHire Career Center member, the first step is to register on MassHire JobQuest. Once registered, you can schedule yourself for a Career Center Seminar to become a member and meet with a counselor. Watch this video for instructions on completing JobQuest account.

Step 5: Register for an upcoming job fair or hiring event

If you learn and practice the tools in this guide, you should feel confident in your ability to impress employers and land the job. Click the link below to see what events are upcoming and register now!

We wish you the best of luck with your job search and future endeavors!