Job Seeker Referral Form to Request BEST Team Assistance

Job Seekers referred to BEST will be added to a tracking sheet of job seekers interested in finding work immediately. BEST team staff will look to see if the job seekers have qualifications and skills that match current openings for employers that we are actively working with. If not, job development can be utilized to find them open positions if they do not match current, known openings. BEST Team members will not provide RESEA counseling, Employment Counseling, or any other services to the job seeker unrelated to making direct referrals of the job seeker to an employer. The referral process will include guidance in the application process, guidance in preparing for the interview and tailored resume feedback for specific applications.

Please complete the form below in its entirety. The more information provided the more helpful it will be in referring job seekers to appropriate jobs. Please include a resume that has been vetted by an Employment Counselor prior to submitting this form.

Thank you.

You may choose more than one if applicable.
You may choose more than one if applicable.
You may choose more than one if applicable.
Please provide as much detail as possible.
You may choose more than one if applicable.
Please list companies and job openings.
If so, please explain with as much detail as possible. If not, simply input "N/A" or "none".
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please only upload Word Document formats unless PDF format is all that is available. A WordDoc format will be requested to provide suggestions for edits that can be made in a more timely and convenient manner.